Friday, December 27, 2013

How to admit a wrong

While driving the other day, I pulled a right turn and cut off a guy in a little sports car. 

To be fair there was a large SUV turning right and the small car was hidden behind it, but I will admit I was in the wrong. I was in the lane when the guy in the sports car blared on the horn. I threw up my arms because I didn't know what had happend.

The guy responded in anger.

I would have, too.

I kept driving, but felt like a huge jerk. I didn't know what to do. We stopped at a light, and I turned to mouth that I was sorry, but he still didn't look too happy.

I asked my wife why there wasn't a hand symbol that showed apology. But then I started thinking about how when I am behind the wheel, I almost never feel bad. I, like many other drivers, sit down in front of the wheel, totally focused on myself. 

Convicted, there are two things on my mind, how can I drive like a follower of Jesus, and what a hand gesture that isn't negative look would like. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Man: an adult male person, as distinguished from a boy or a woman.

What is a man? A fair question, for at least half the population. 

But that is not the only question to ask if one is to wander down that rabbit hole. The underlying question to ask is, "who gets to answer what a man is?"

My wife and I have been obsessed with the new hit series Breaking Bad, which finished its last season recently. After an extremely busy summer we rented and watched the full series in under two weeks. To say that we didn't have much to do would be an understatement. 

None the less, while watching the episode called Mas, there is a speech that a character called Gus Fring gives to the main character that caught our attention:

"And a man, a man provides. And he does it even when he's not appreciated or respected or even loved. He simply bears up and he does it. Because he's a man."

It struck me, and so I paused the episode and asked my wife what she heard. She insightfully explained how America does not believe that anymore. It was not just the fact that there is now a higher percentage of mothers that work and higher number of stay-at-home dads; but the rising number of single moms and how many men are no longer are willing to fathers is absurd. 

"Providing" means more than just offering sperm and/or child support, but it is protecting and leading your family. 

This is the main intention of what Scripture is saying in 1 Corintians 11:3 where Paul says, "But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God." (Emphasis added) 

Paul's intention is not to oppress or claim that men are better or should be over women. What God is saying though, is, "I designed husbands/fathers to be the protectors and care givers to the ladies around them; to love them with my love. "

This is a call to the men out the there, may you provide for the needs, not just money or things, but lovingly lead your family or future family. 

Be energized by these words in the letter to Hebrews,"And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day  drawing near."